13 people commit suicide by failing to obtain the mustachioed princess

13 people commit suicide by failing to obtain the mustachioed princess

13 people commit suicide by failing to obtain the mustachioed princess
Anis i-Doleh

Outstanding beauty, miserly wise, possessing immense wealth.Perhaps some of these adjectives about Princess Anis i-Doleh in Iraq in the 19 th century are probably not enough.

The lines of the mustache were clearly visible on the lips of the apothecary form.But the face of the face was a blessing to Anise's life.But the face was a blessing to Anise's life.
13 people commit suicide by failing to obtain the mustachioed princess

At least half a dozen princes from Iraq and the nearby States were willing to marry on the physical defect of the extraordinary scandalous princess of the wealthy rich royal family. Only for the rejection from Anis 13 committed suicide

Finally, Anis, who fell in love with King Nasser al-Din Shah Qazar of Persia, adopted him as husband.After marrying Anis, Qazar governed the kingdom efficiently for many years at the suggestion of his wife.
13 people commit suicide by failing to obtain the mustachioed princess

The tales of his good governance still exist in Iraq and Iran today.  Because Anis was one of the most educated girls in Iraq at that time.

His knowledge of diplomacy and state governance was remarkable.  Anis could easily resolve any diplomatic issues or confrontation between the two sides.

Therefore, from the age of a teenager, his father, uncle and grandfather used to consult Anis for statehood.  Anis I-Doleh also enriched her husband with a treasure trove of knowledge after marriage

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