Google announced to discover a new software, which can read the the language of Tulip flowers

Tulip flowers

Communication is very important in the management of any organization.  In order to reach the rules of the workers, the communication needs first.  The same thing can be different in different words, it is also very much necessary to be careful.
For example If someone says that "I am now here" but if you do not use the space properly in different words, then it looks like "I am no where".  Communication is just such a sensitive subject.

But it was a contact between man to man .  If you are asked to contact with someone who has a life, but there is no sense.Then what will happen?  For example, think about plants, What do you understand? What he wants Water not light? Can he speak?  Can you understand? Surely you have think I'm kidding. Although interesting to hear, the incident is also the most complex.

This complex issue has turned into reality by the name like 'Google'. Jagadish Chandra Bose,who first invented the life of the tree.  He proved that plants have life as well as there is infinite life force. His invention threw brawl the world over.But contact with the tree?  It was over.

At last Google did that.  They recently made an 'application software'.  Through this software, it can be possible to communicate with a special type of flower tree 'Tulip'. In many countries of Europe and America, including the western part of this flowering,  That's why the scientists of Google chose this tree to determine the language of the trees.

It is known that in the flower world plants talk to each other. The Wageningen University in the Netherlands has been studying on this topic for almost two years.  They have seen that the tulip tree leaves a special wave with the root and tells each other about the mind.

The tree says, to give water, to light and air also.
While some people say that Google fool's everybody. But If that happens, the real truth can not be accepted that the trees have life. That means there is pain and happiness.  And it will not be possible for people to read that language is not true.

All Over World

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